Organization name
Literacy Council of Madison County
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 575 110 N Main Street, Suite AMadison, VA 22727
$3,015 raised by 42 donors
75% complete
$4,000 Goal
The mission of the Literacy Council of Madison is to provide education services to adult residents of Madison County to enhance their quality of life as jobholders, parents, and life-long learners.
A community-based literacy organization providing adults with free basic reading, arithmetic, computer, and work skills programs, including GED® test preparation. Our goal is to improve their employability and empower them to participate more fully and confidently in the workplace. Our student-centered programs use one-on-one and small group tutoring sessions, which focus on personal learning goals. The Literacy Council also addresses special learning needs and disabilities in its instruction.
Organization name
Literacy Council of Madison County
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 575 110 N Main Street, Suite A