Foothills Forum

A nonprofit organization

Supporting our local news. 

More About Us

Foothills Forum is a local news nonprofit. Our experienced, professional journalists produce original, in-depth and independent reporting on our county and the region, partnering with the Rappahannock News and other regional news outlets.

Foothills and Rappahannock News reporters and photographers consistently win top honors for journalistic excellence from the Virginia Press Association.Among the dozens of stories published over the past year, Foothills has:·      

  • Completed a three-part series about the difficulty of finding affordable housing in Rappahannock, Fauquier and Culpeper, working with partner journalists across the three counties;·      
  • Continued a historical series about the villages of Rappahannock, including Woodville and Flint Hill, following meaty profiles of Amissville, Chester Gap, Washington and Sperryville;·      
  • Deciphered the public schools and county budgets, and informed voters on local elected officials, including coverage of elections;·      
  • Provided a deep analysis of school happenings and education topics, including a profile on the Superintendent, and a look at schools’ policies on cell phones and social media use;·      
  • Covered crime stories in the county, including a murder trial;·      
  • Examined the effect on pet owners when a pet declines in health and dies;·      

…and many, many more.

Why is this valuable? An informed and engaged community increases the quality of life for everyone in Rappahannock County and beyond, helping all of us make wiser decisions and support one another more effectively.

Organization Data


Organization name

Foothills Forum

Tax id (EIN)



PO Box 153
Washington, VA 22747



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